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PRIVACY POLICY This Privacy Policy ("Policy") is intended to illustrate the methods and purposes of the processing of personal data carried out by Uffici & Shops srl, based in Milan, Via Meravigli 16, as the data controller (hereinafter, " Offices & Shops "or the" Owner ") of the site www.ufficienegozi.com (the" Site ") and the services connected to it (the" Services "). The data protection officer is Mr. Luca Licciardi. Uffici & Shops srl respects the privacy of each user who visits the Site and uses the Services ("User"). The Policy does not apply to third party sites accessible via external hypertext links on the Uffici & Shops srl site. The processing of Users' personal data will take place in accordance with the applicable legislation, with particular reference to Legislative Decree June 30, 2003, n. 196, containing the Personal Data Protection Code, as amended by Regulation (EU) no. 679 of 27 April 2016 - applicable from 25 May 2018 (hereinafter, jointly, the "Applicable Privacy Law"). The information is provided only for the sites mentioned above and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through specific links. Users / visitors must carefully read this Privacy Policy before submitting any type of personal information and / or filling in any electronic form on the site. This Policy and the methods of use and management of Cookies may be subject to changes or updates at any time. In this case, Uffici & Shops srl will publish a notice on the homepage of the site. In any case, Uffici & Shops srl srl invites you to periodically check the Privacy Policy to be informed of any changes. TYPE OF DATA PROCESSED AND PURPOSE OF THE TREATMENT 1) Navigation data The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during normal operation, some personal data which are then implicitly transmitted in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes: o identification and contact data (e.g. name, surname, email, telephone number, etc.); o data relating to the content of electronic communications exchanged with Uffici & Shops srl for the purposes referred to in paragraph 2 a); o data relating to the IP address or device ID of a User through which the Site is accessed or the Services are used; o data relating to the type of browser used by Users, as well as the date and time of use to access the Site or Services. 2) Data retention times and storage purpose The data referred to in the previous paragraph are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning, as well as for the following purposes: • respond to User requests sent through the Site; • improve the presentation, characteristics and functionality of the Site and the Services, as well as the administration and management of User requests; • allow Users to participate in surveys and surveys anonymously; • provide assistance on the services offered, at the request of the Users; • prevent fraud or crimes committed through the Site or the Services; • fulfill legal or fiscal obligations pursuant to applicable legislation; • with prior consent, contact the Users through automated (email, sms, mms, social, calls without operator) and non-automated (paper mail and telephone with operator) tools to propose them commercial offers and promotions, as well as involve them in market research and surveys , also by sending periodic newsletters; • subject to consent, to analyze the choices and commercial preferences of Users in using the Site or Services, in order to customize the offer of products and services dedicated to them. For the purposes referred to in letters A) to F), Uffici & Shops srl will process the personal data of Users on the basis of the requests submitted by the latter and of their legitimate interest. For the purposes referred to in letters g) and h), Offices & Shops srl will process the personal data of Users on the basis of their consent. The personal data processed by Uffici & Shops srl on the basis of the User's consent will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were originally collected and, in any case, will no longer be processed following any revocation of the consent given. Where the processing of personal data should instead take place in fulfillment of obligations
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